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If you think your business doesn’t need to consider online marketing/advertising, 再想想. 根据 , more than 80% of consumers conduct some form of online research prior to making a purchase. (一项来自 Enquiro puts that number even higher, closer to 94% of business buyers.) More than 60% of those begin their online research using a search engine, 像谷歌, 雅虎, MSN or Bing—and 61% read online product reviews before they buy products.

那么,有什么意义呢? Making your business more visible on the internet is among the most effective strategies to drive traffic to your website, 促进销售和发展你的业务. Once you’ve made the decision to promote your business online, you have more (and more difficult) decisions to make—specifically, you need to decide how you’ll spend what are 就像ly limited marketing dollars.


PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing is an interesting compromise between 搜索引擎优化 and typical advertising. It involves paying a search engine to feature your website when users search for certain, 选择关键字. It requires 搜索引擎优化 keyword research similar to what you do for 搜索引擎优化 but involves less crafting and editing of your own content to use those keywords in a structured 搜索引擎优化 process that relates your services to the consumer’s search query.

然后, 顾名思义, you only have to pay the search engine for the number of users who clicked on your paid listing. 的 benefit of PPC is that you are always at the top of the search engine results for your chosen keywords. 另一方面, users often skip the ‘Ad’ marked options for the more relevant results just beneath them.

搜索引擎优化 is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization and means exactly that. 当你的网站被适当优化, you will appear in the search results of users who are looking for your service or who search for related topics. 通过在你的网站内容中嵌入正确的关键词, 它可以告诉搜索引擎你是谁, 你能提供什么, 还有你要分享的信息.

This, in turn, helps the search engines suggest your services to prospective clients. 的 key is to know which keywords to use and how to use them for maximum results. 非常具体的关键字短语, known as “long tail keywords” take this method a step further by refining the query to the exact product, color, 客户所需要的尺寸或描述. 的se consumers have already done some research and are often ready to buy when drawn in by a match to their detailed search query.


答案是,”这取决于.“这取决于几个因素, 包括营销预算的大小, PPC每点击成本为您的行业和产品, and how competitive organic search results are for your company.

Here are 4 things to consider when deciding whether your business should choose PPC or 搜索引擎优化:

1. 你能自己优化你的网站吗?

如果你决定自己优化你的网站, 它不会花费你的生意任何东西,除了你的时间. It’s important to note, however, that 搜索引擎优化 can be complicated 而且非常耗时, involving everything from analyzing the right keywords to use in your content, correctly utilizing title tags and headings and continuously building authoritative links from other websites. Effectively optimizing your website is best done in partnership with 搜索引擎优化 experts—and there is a cost for that. 沃克-斯坦利通讯公司可以提供帮助! 十大网堵靠谱平台.

2. 关键字对你的业务有多贵?

的 cost for PPC campaigns varies widely depending on the competitiveness of your keywords related to your products and services. 例如, 因为保险和抵押贷款都很贵, the keywords in those industries are among the costliest in Google Adwords. Other high-cost keywords include “loans,” “attorneys,” “credit” and “lawyers.” Keywords related to less competitive products and local searches, 另一方面, could be cost-effective enough that PPC is the right option for your business.

3. 你的企业的自然搜索结果有多有竞争力?

如果你想让你的企业通过搜索引擎优化获得牵引力, you really need to show up on the first page of search results. 这对一些企业来说比其他企业更困难. To find out how competitive the search results are for your business, 你可以把你的关键词输入到一个免费的, 关键词研究工具, 就像 谷歌的外部关键字研究工具 . 你会看到你的估计竞争水平, as well as the number of businesses bidding on your keywords and the average cost-per-click. 在某些情况下, you’ll see that you’re up against quite a few industry giants which can make it very difficult to compete in organic searches. 如果是这样的话, 如果你的关键词相对便宜, 点击付费可能对你的业务来说是更好的选择.

4. 你的时间表是什么??

在决定投资哪个服务时, the best advice we can give you is that 搜索引擎优化 is the long game, while PPC is an efficient and affordable targeted advertising. 的 Hub Shout营销趋势调查 found that 30% of total online marketing budgets are spent on 搜索引擎优化 and 26% is spent on PPC, 这表明,虽然搜索引擎优化是领先的, PPC是一个比较受欢迎的选择. 也, 报告的收入, 32%的代理商认为搜索引擎优化是最赚钱的, 而只有12%的人认为PPC可以提高他们的销售额.

If you’re ready to improve conversions and know the search keywords from which those conversions will be made, PPC是一个很好的选择. This method is perfect for selling popular products with clear image and price listings or services people need in a hurry. 搜索引擎优化 often starts slowly, but can snowball into hundreds of free conversions a day if done correctly.


Of course, you don’t have to choose between PPC and 搜索引擎优化 to market your business online. 这取决于你的营销计划, often the best solution is to combine the two: investing in 搜索引擎优化 for long term conversions and PPC for directly targeted sales. 许多企业都成功地使用了这种方法, leveraging the aspects of each which work best for their companies and their websites.


Before you invest precious time and marketing dollars in online marketing campaigns, considering partnering with an experienced expert to help you navigate the process.

了解更多关于我们的在线营销方式, 铅一代, website development and content marketing services can help you drive website traffic, 促进销售和发展你的业务, 十大网堵靠谱平台 今天.